【送料無料】洋書(新品・未使用)Sustainable Energy and アウトレット Economics in an Aging Population: Lessons from Japan
● Sustainable Energy and Economics in an Aging Population: Lessons from Japan ● 著者: Kozo Mayumi ● 出版 : Springer ● 発売 : 2020/4/2 ● ハードカバー : 237 頁 ●新品未使用ですが、 見返しに著者謹呈の辞があります(最後の写真ご参照)。 書き込みやラインマーカー、日焼けなど一切ありません。●自宅のキャビネット(ガラス扉付き)に保管しています。当方、家族を含め、タバコは一切吸いません。ペットもいません。● ご購入から一日以内に送料当方負担の配送記録便で発送させて頂きます。 ●出品中の他の本や CD 、レコードを同封する場合、1品につき 170 円(レコードは 500 円)値引きさせて頂きます。 その場合、入札前にご希望の品をお知らせ下さい。 This book discusses current challenges in Japan, focusing on the nation ’ s rapidly aging population and low birth rate, along with persistent debt issues with heavy interest payments, the potential collapse of social security systems, and income inequality.In turn, it examines the accessibility of global fossil fuels and feasibility of large-scale solar energy use. A new theory of money, interest and capital is put forward, together with a proposal for an alternative system of international monetary cooperation to promote a more sustainable and equitable world.Specific topics discussed include:the inverted population pyramid, due to the dramatic change in human life spans and declining birth rates;the rapidly shrinking workforce, aging population and declining GDP share sourced from industry;disproportionate debt expansion due to public bond issues and coping with a persistent budget deficit;the potential collapse of social security systems combined with income inequality; andhow to mitigate these bio-economic predicaments. Global Energy Sources offers an essential guide for policymakers, economists, researchers, and all those concerned with establishing a sustainable and equitable society from both energy and monetary perspectives. Further, it will be of interest to readers around the world, as the lessons learned from Japan are crucial to other developed societies that may eventually face the same types of challenge.