★限定10%オフ★ アウトレット SecondStage セカンドステージ Toyota sh Piano Black/T503BL 341
商品詳細 ★★★発送方法は当日出荷をご利用ください★★★指定配送便にて全国無料配送致します!SecondStage セカンドステージ Toyota RAV4 XA50 Series Fog Lamp Garnish Piano Black/T503BLK 341**************************************ご覧いただきありがとうございます。商品に関するご質問、ご不明な点は質問欄よりお問い合わせください。他店でも併売しているため売り切れる場合がありますのですぐにご返金いたします。**************************************商品内容 :Toyota RAV4 XA50 Series (April 2019-) Installation Time: 10 - 15 minutes2 parts left and right fog lamp garnish. Dress up panels made specifically from original RAV4 parts We also check fitting on actual vehicles. Experience the quality of the surface and fitting of the panels that are carefully selected. The acrylic luster gives it a special luxury that will make your car a top levelCannot be installed on vehicles equipped with front spoiler (may interfere with spoiler) *Adventure grade/fog lights cannot be installed on vehiclesThis product is not a painted product. We use a second stage proprietary manufacturing method that is covered with a highly transparent acrylic layer on a sheet of specially colored patternsIt is a double-sided tape that is affixed to the surface. The product will be delivered on the product, so please peel off the release paper and install. Made with strong adhesive Sumitomo 3M double-sided tape. Please make sure the second stage instruction manual is includedAll of the dress up panels, including the key covers for the second stage are manufactured in-house and can be used by local dealers and overseas users. The parts used with unique manufacturing methods are precision and long lasting. In addition, we have also included a lineup of colors only for the second stage. Panels are not just for decorating purpose, they are also perfect for hiding scratches and more. If you get damaged over use, cover it with the panels and save your money on them! (Material and Design to withstand harsh conditions) The second stage panel is a thick panel of 0.06 - 0.06 inch (1 - 1.5 mm) thick. Instead of surface painting, the color pattern film is shown through a clear layer of crystal clear acrylic, so the color and pattern will not be scratched out, and it can be used for a long time with your car. Specifications may vary in some colors.**************************************★★輸入商品に関するご注意★★全ての海外輸入品は通関手続きの際に開封検査を受けます。輸送中や通関検査時に外箱にダメージが生じる事があります。/ / SecondStage(セカンドステージ)**************************************新品未使用品注意事項 1.基本的に返品等は行っておりませんので、画像をご確認の上、落札頂きますようお願い致します。2.落札後のキャンセルについては、出品者のほうで、入札手数料を負担することとなりますため、基本的にお受けしておりませんのでご注意下さい。3.アパレルなどの色やサイズの指定があるものに関して、落札前に事前にご質問頂きますと在庫状況などを回答させて頂きます。